What is stored in NVRAM on a Cisco router?
The running configuration file is stored in RAM. The bootup instructions are stored in ROM. The startup configuration file is stored in NVRAM.
Which command will delete the contents of NVRAM on switch?
erase startup-config command
Solution(By Examveda Team) The erase startup-config command erases the contents of NVRAM and will put you in setup mode if the router is restarted.
How do I check DRAM and flash on Cisco router?
To determine the amount of Flash and DRAM on a Cisco router, issue the show version command.
How much NVRAM memory does the router have?
On most Cisco routers, the NVRAM area is somewhere between 16 and 256Kb, depending on the size and function of the router.
What is stored in NVRAM?
Settings that can be stored in NVRAM include sound volume, display resolution, startup disk selection, time zone, and recent kernel panic information. The settings stored in NVRAM depend on your Mac and the devices that you’re using with your Mac.
How do I show NVRAM?
To display the contents of NVRAM (if present and valid) or to show the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE environment variable, use the show startup-config EXEC command.
How do I clear NVRAM on my router?
Follow these steps:
- Log on. to your switch, and enter the privileged EXEC mode by entering enable and then entering the enable password command.
- Enter write erase, which erases the NVRAM. file system and removes all files.
- At the.
- Enter reload, and enter no when prompted whether to save.
- Confirm.
How much NVRAM is available on the router?
How do I check how much NVRAM I have on my Cisco router?
How do I display the contents of NVRAM in Windows?
To display the contents of NVRAM (if present and valid) or to show the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE environment variable, use the show startup-configEXEC command. show startup-config Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Mode EXEC Usage Guidelines
What is the use of NVRAM?
NVRAM stores the configuration information on the network server in text form as configuration commands. For all platforms except the Cisco 7000 family, the show startup-configcommand shows the version number of the software used when you last executed the copy running-config startup-configcommand.
What is the use of NVRAM in Cisco 2691?
NVRAM is used for writable permanent storage of the startup configuration. It is an EPROM, except in the 2691, where the startup configuration is stored in the same Flash device where the boot code is loaded. Flash: Flash is used for permanent storage of a full Cisco IOS software image in compressed form
What is distilled NVRAM configuration?
A distilled configuration is one that does not contain access lists. If the CONFIG_FILE environment variable does not exist or is not valid, the software displays the NVRAM configuration (if it is a valid, complete configuration). Sample Displays