What is R3 zoning Phoenix?
A. Purpose. The purpose of the multifamily residence districts is to provide for alternate living styles including rental, condominiums and single ownership of land with multiple units thereon or single or attached townhomes.
What is a 2 zoning Phoenix?
The Industrial District is designed to accommodate uses with one or more of the following characteristics: intensive use of property; open uses and/or storage; industrial processes which may involve significant amounts of heat, mechanical and chemical processing, large amounts of materials transfer, extended or …
Does Phoenix have zoning?
Zoning is the principal tool by which the city of Phoenix implements the goals and future development plans expressed in the General Plan. Zoning regulations are intended to protect existing land uses and assure that uses are compatible with each other and with available public facilities and services.
What is R3 zoning in Cobb County?
Sections: 17.20. 010 Uses permitted outright.
What is R3 zoning in PA?
Generally, R-3 districts allow for single family dwellings (and places of worship) which are detached or semi-detached. Some uses require a Use Registration Permit; some do not. Some uses require a Certificate or Variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
What is C-3 zoning in Scottsdale?
C-2 zoned properties can be found in most commercial areas in Southern Scottsdale. C-3 (Highway Commercial District) is intended to permit most types of commercial activities and includes the sale of commodities or performance of services for a larger segment of population than the average neighborhood.
What is c3 zoning in Arizona?
Purpose. The C-3 Commercial General District, is a district designed to provide for the intensive commercial uses necessary to the proper development of the community.
What is C 3 zoning in Scottsdale?
What is C 1 zoning in Phoenix?
A. Purpose. The C-l, Commercial Neighborhood Retail District, is a district of light neighborhood type retail and customer service uses designed to be compatible with each other and nearby residential districts.
What is a 1 zoning in Phoenix?
The A-1, Light Industrial District, is a district of industrial uses designed to serve the needs of the community for industrial activity not offensive to nearby commercial and residential uses.
What is RO zoning in Phoenix?
R-O. Residential Office – Restricted Commercial.