How do you create a layer mask in Unity?
Edit->Settings->Tags and Layers option shows the use of the 32 bitmasks. Each Layer is shown with a string setting. As an example Built-in Layer 0 is set as Default ; Built-in Layer 1 is set as TransparentFX .
How do I make a layer mask?
Create a layer mask
- Select a layer in the Layers panel.
- Click the Add layer mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel. A white layer mask thumbnail appears on the selected layer, revealing everything on the selected layer.
What is RaycastHit2D in Unity?
A raycast is used to detect objects that lie along the path of a ray and is conceptually like firing a laser beam into the Scene and observing which objects are hit by it. The RaycastHit2D class is used by Physics2D. Raycast and other functions to return information about the objects detected by raycasts.
What is Raycast hit in Unity?
RaycastHit, in Unity, is a structured data object that is returned when a ray hits an object during a raycast. Some of the properties of the RaycastHit include collider, distance, rigidbody, and transform.
What is culling mask?
The Unity Camera class has a culling mask such that each camera can be set to only display a subset of the available layers. This is handy for placing 3D objects in one layer visible by the main camera, and say the GUI in another layer visible by a different camera.
What is rendering layer mask?
When using a scriptable render pipeline, you can specify an additional rendering-specific layer mask. This filters the renderers based on the mask the renderer has and the mask passed to the DrawRenderers command. It might be a Known Issue. Tutorials Community Answers Knowledge Base Forums Asset Store Terms of use.
How do you ignore a Raycast layer?
To make a RayCast ignore a layer you can provide a “layerMask” parameter to the raycast method