What is Kennedy classification?
Kennedy (1883–1952), American dentist] A method of describing partially edentulous arches or partial dentures based on the location of the edentulous areas within the arch. Kennedy Denture Classification. The Kennedy classification of dental arches.
What is acrylic partial denture?
Acrylic partials consist of the denture teeth attached to an acrylic base plate. They provide good stability and retention due to the denture fitting closely and tightly against the gums and natural teeth, and the use of wrought metal clasps (retainers) to grip the teeth.
What is a Kennedy Class 3?
Kennedy Class III: A unilateral edentulous space with natural teeth remaining both anterior and posterior to it. In a Kennedy Class III scenario, the edentulous area is on one side, but have teeth anterior and posterior to the edentulous space.
Why is Kennedy’s classification important?
Kennedy’s method of classifying the Edentulous arch is one of the simplest and most used classification systems because of the ease at which it can be discussed with others as it brings immediate visualization of the partially edentulous arch.
What is Valplast partial dentures?
Valplast partial dentures are an attractive, comfortable, and affordable option for tooth replacement. Valplast dentures are made from thermoplastic nylon resin. These partial dentures are thin, lightweight, and flexible. They feature invisible claps that surround the natural teeth.
Where is the edentulous on a Kennedy Class III partial denture?
In a Kennedy Class III scenario, the edentulous area is on one side, but have teeth anterior and posterior to the edentulous space. The partial denture is designed as follows:
What does Class 3 mean in denture design?
Class 3: unilateral bounded saddle, posteriorly Modifications: Work from the back of the mouth to identify which kennedy class the patient fulfils first. Once this is determined, any additional gaps = modifications Use this denture design sheet to practice!
What is Kennedy Class I in dentistry?
Kennedy Class I Kennedy Class I describes a patient who has BILATERAL free-end saddles, i.e. they have edentulous posterior areas bilaterally. This is the most comment classification. There are no further posterior teeth to the edentulous area.
How well do you know the Kennedy classification of dentures?
Click here for the quiz! When designing partial dentures, one of the most commonly used classification systems is the Kennedy Classification. This was developed by Dr Edward Kennedy in the 1920s. The classification is ranked based on the most commonly found partially dentate situations.