What is Microsoft SMS TSEnvironment?
SMS. TSEnvironment is the COM object used by Operating System Deployment in ConfigMgr 2007 to expose task sequence variables. It is only available during a task sequence and is typically easy to access using built-in task sequence tasks and conditions or automation aware scripting languages like VBScript.
How do I use task sequence debugger?
Start the tool Select a task sequence. In the Deployment group of the ribbon, select Debug. Alternatively, set the variable TSDebugMode to TRUE on a collection or computer object to which the task sequence is deployed. Any device that has this variable set will put any task sequence deployed to it into debug mode.
How do you set a task sequence variable?
Use in a step Specify a variable value for a setting in a task sequence step. In the task sequence editor, edit the step, and specify the variable name as the field value. Enclose the variable name in percent signs ( % ). For example, use the variable name as part of the Command Line field of the Run Command Line step.
Where is Smsts log located?
log. In Windows after the client is installed: C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\smstslog\smsts. log. In Windows after the task sequence completes: C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\smsts.
How do you pause a task sequence?
You want to be able to pause your TS as many times you want. You want for instance to be able to pause the Task Sequence using the F4 key from your keyboard.
How do I stop task sequence from running?
As the task sequence doesn’t run until you enable it….How to Disable SCCM Task Sequence Deployment
- In Task Sequence properties, Move to the Advanced tab to configure the behavior of the task sequence.
- Check the option Disable this task sequence on computers where it is deployed, By default, this option is disabled.
What are task variables?
Task variables are visible to all functions within a task. They provide a means of sharing common data between more than one function. Task variables are similar to function parameters in that they are composed of a name, type, and accessibility descriptor.