Is there a Mac version of KeePass?
A free, open-source, KeePass-compatible password manager for macOS.
How do I get started with KeePass?
Use the File → Open menu, navigate to folder KeePass on the USB drive, select and open the database. For quicker access – place a shortcut to keePass.exe in the root folder of the USB drive. KeePass is Open Source, free software.
What app opens KDBX files?
In the case of files with an KDBX extension, a popular software package such as KeePass Password Database (Dominik Reichl) can open it.
Is KeePassX for Mac safe?
The complete database is always encrypted either with AES (alias Rijndael) or Twofish encryption algorithm using a 256 bit key. Therefore the saved information can be considered as quite safe. KeePassX uses a database format that is compatible with KeePass Password Safe.
How do I install KeePass on Mac OS X?
Install the keepass package (from the Arch Linux repository; link on the downloads page). Install the KeePass 2.x for Mac OS X package (link on the downloads page). Install the keepass package (from the FreeBSD ports tree or binary pkg repository; link on the downloads page).
What operating systems does KeePass run on?
In addition to Windows, KeePass 2.x runs under Mono, i.e. Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, etc. Links to all supported packages can be found on the Downloads page. Install the keepass2 / KeePass 2.x for Debian/Ubuntu Linux package (e.g. using APT). A link to a page with more information about this package can be found on the downloads page.
How to install keepass2/KeePass on Debian/Ubuntu Linux?
Install the keepass2 / KeePass 2.x for Debian/Ubuntu Linux package (e.g. using APT). A link to a page with more information about this package can be found on the downloads page. Install the keepass package (from the Fedora repository; link on the downloads page).
Is there any malware in KeePass?
KeePass does not contain any malware; here are reports by more than 10 anti-virus programs: Jotti Scan (for 1.39). Unsure which edition (1.x or 2.x) to choose? See the Edition Comparison Table . See also the Development Status FAQ. If in doubt, use KeePass 2.x. Note that KeePass 2.x runs under Linux / Mac OS X, too; see Running KeePass under Mono.