How can I see configuration of a switch?
On Cisco Router/Switches:
- Type “terminal length 0” in privileged mode to set your terminal to display without any breaks.
- Type “show run” or “show start” to show the applicable config.
- To display the config without lengthy certificate data, use “show run brief “.
How do I save config on HP switch?
There are three ways to save a new configuration:
- In the CLI: Use the write memory command. This overwrites the current startup-config file with the contents of the current running-config file.
- In the menu interface: Use the Save command.
- In the WebAgent: Click Save.
How do I save my running config to startup?
Save the Configuration Type “copy running-config startup-config” at the command line and press return on the keyboard. This will copy the current switch configuration to the non-volatile memory, which is memory that will retain its data even without power applied to it.
How do I remove running config from HP switch?
The erase startup-config command HP Switch(config)# erase startup-config Configuration will be deleted and device rebooted, continue [y/n]? Press [y] to replace the current configuration with the factory default configuration and reboot the switch. Press [n] to retain the current configuration and prevent a reboot.
What is configuration mode?
Global Configuration mode mode allows users to modify the running system configuration. From the Privileged mode a user can move to configuration mode by running the “configure terminal” command from privileged mode. To exit configuration mode, the user can enter “end” command or press Ctrl-Z key combination.
What are the types of configuration mode?
There are five command modes: global configuration mode, interface configuration mode, subinterface configuration mode, router configuration mode, and line configuration mode.
How do I use HP switch command?
HP Switch# Perform system-level actions such as system control, monitoring, and diagnostic commands, plus any of the Operator-level commands. For a list of available commands, enter?at the prompt. Global Configuration Level HP Switch(config)# Execute configuration commands, plus all Operator and manager commands.
What is context configuration level in hp switch?
Context Configuration Level HP Switch(eth-5)# HP Switch(vlan-100)# Execute context-specific configuration commands, such as a particular VLAN or switch port. This is useful for shortening the command strings you type, and for entering a series of commands for the same context.
How to enable secret mode in hp switch 1910 and 1920?
HP Switch models like 1910 and 1920 usually hide the complete list of commands available. Use the following command to enable the Secret access mode. The secret mode offers access to all the commands available. You will be asked for the Factory password to enable the secret command line access.
How do I enable the manager level on my hp switch?
The prompt for the Manager level contains only the system name and the “#” delimiter, as shown above. To select this level, enter the enablecommand at the Operator prompt and enter the Manager password, when prompted. For example: HP Switch> enable Password: HP Switch# _