How do I reconfigure my keyboard in Linux?
Make sure that “Keyboard” is the selected tab on the left, and turn your attention to the main body of the window. Locate and select the “Layouts” tab toward the top of the window, then check the “Configure layouts” box and unlock your keyboard layout options. Press the “Add” button to configure a new keyboard layout.
What is keyboard layout in Ubuntu?
The first layout in the Input Sources section is the layout Ubuntu associates with your keyboard by default. If you’d like to choose a different default layout, select the layout, and then click the up-arrow (^) button below the list until it’s at the top.
How do I change the default keyboard configuration in Ubuntu?
go for sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard there you can change your keyboard settings. Find the line : You can change layout and kboptions as well as your model and the kbvariant. on older ubuntu versions you could go for dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and make permanently changes here.
How do I change the default keyboard layout?
using sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration will change your keyboardlayout just for this session. go for sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard there you can change your keyboard settings.
Where are the keyboard settings stored in Linux?
The keyboard settings are stored in /etc/default/keyboard file. It’s provided by the keyboard-configuration package, and other packages use this information in order to configure the keyboard on the console or in X Window System. You can change your keyboard settings using:
How do I change the console layout in Ubuntu?
So, for recent Ubuntu versions, use this instead (Tested in 17.04): The simplest way would indeed be as @steeldriver suggested to open a terminal and run this command: That will install the console-common package and in the process allow you to chose your console layout.