What if the Japanese won the war?
What would have happened if the Japanese won? A Japanese victory at Midway would have reopened the possibility of a Japanese invasion. … If they won but Japan attacked Siberia, they would still have lost the east, and the Japanese would control the Western Pacific, China and Siberia.
Is there any way Japan could have won ww2?
It could have happened. Key point: Japan could never have crushed U.S. maritime forces in the Pacific and imposed terms on Washington. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t have won World War II.
What if Germany and Japan had won ww2?
If Hitler and the Axis Forces had won the 2nd World War, the world would have been entirely different. The new fascist world order would classify people based on their race. The master race or the superior race would reign over the world, and the inferior races would be subjected to horrendous living conditions.
Can Japan defeat us?
Bottom line, no likely masterstroke — no single stratagem or killing blow — would have defeated the United States. Rather, Japanese commanders should have thought and acted less tactically and more strategically. In so doing they would have improved Japan’s chances. Which brings us to Five Ways Japan Could Have Won.
Could Japan have beat the US?
What would have happened if the United States didn’t enter WWII?
Without the American entry into World War II, it’s possible Japan would have consolidated its position of supremacy in East Asia and that the war in Europe could have dragged on for far longer than it did.
Does Japan have strong military?
For 2022, Japan is ranked 5 of 142 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. It holds a PwrIndx* score of 0.1195 (a score of 0.0000 is considered ‘perfect’).
What if Japan had won World War II?
Alternate History What if Japan Had Won World War II. 9. JAPAN (W.W. II, 1941-1945) After victory, Japan expected to eradicate European and American economic and military influence in Asia quickly and establish itself as the political master of that continent. Expansion of the Japanese Empire predicated a direct annexation of Manchuria, Korea,…
Could Japan have defeated the United States in the Pacific?
No amount of willpower or martial virtuosity can overcome too lopsided a disparity in numbers. Tokyo stared that plight in the face following Pearl Harbor. So Japan could never have crushed U.S. maritime forces in the Pacific and imposed terms on Washington.
What would have happened if the US and Japan went to war?
The United States would have continued to fight, and possibly Britain with it, and time would have been on the American side. The Empire of Japan’s primary reason for going to war was to get the natural resources needed to build an industrialized Japan.
What territories did the Japanese want to divide after WW2?
At one point, the Japanese tentatively agreed to divide the U.S. and Canada with the Germans after the war was won. Alaska, Hawaii, and the continental U.S. west of the Rocky Mountains were to go to Japan.